Friday, 7 February 2014

Evaluating My Music Magazine - Front Page Mock Up

I have now constructed my mock up of my front page magazine. Within this blog post I have included a full analysis of this front page cover evaluating the positive and negative concepts using the software of Prezi. I have also stated what I need to do next in order to construct and present  a more professional deign of my page when I coms to the final construction stages of my music magazine front cover.


  1. Charlie, you've done a phenomenal amount of work on your evaluation but at no point have you done a simple upload of your magazine cover for me to comment on or critique. Could you make sure that you do this ASAP for me so I can give you some formal feedback on what you have done please.
    You have until the 4th April to complete all of your pages so if you need the extra time please come on a Wednesday for any help or to use the facilities. Thanks

    1. Thank you for the feedback Miss. I have now uploaded the updated version onto my blog. I have commented on postive aspects on my front page as well as negative aspects on which I need to consider improving upon in my final piece.
