Sunday, 29 September 2013

Semiotic Theory

What is Semiotic Theory ?
Semiotic theory focuses on the social and cultural meaning of signs and codes and conventions. Signs consist of an image, a word, an object or even a certain type of practise. The meaning of signs depends on the relationship between the signifier, the signified and the referent. We all respond to signs in many different ways whenever if that is to agree or disagree on a certain topic or if we just respond to it from our own actions. These signs can be presented in many different forms whenever that is from an image, a word or a video. We identify and respond to these signs by two terms which are Denotation and Connotation.  


Denotation is the literal or primary meaning of a word or sign, in contrast to the feeling or ideas that the word or sign suggests. For example a stop sign has the denotation of stopping a vehicle. Even without words we would recognise the meaning from the shape and the colour.


Connotation is the idea or a feeling that a word or a sign portrays for a person in addition to its primary meaning. It sets a tone or an emotional association that a word or sign has. It can be negative and positive but is usually something seen by the population in general. For example the stop sign would have the connotation of risk and danger of an accident if the person decided to ignore the sign because of the red colour background which portrays this meaning.  

Semiotic Theory in Music Magazines

Analysing this front cover of a Kerrang Music Magazine, the denotation reveals that this Music Magazine has a specific rock artist to focus on who comes along with an attitude and is presented with black clothing and black make-up. The title is 'Black Veil Brides' and the magazine has a specific house style with the colours red, black, white and yellow
With what the denotation reveals to the audience the connotation suggests that Kerrang is a rock punk music magazine which come along as aggressive for their target demographic.

The rock artist who is the founder of the band 'Black Veil Brides' is placed in the centre of the front page cover Magazine, therefore shows that he is the dominant figure on the cover and the magazine throughout. His appearance is revealed through the various ways colours have been used on the front cover. For example the artist is appeared wearing black clothing and black make-up and the background colour red has the connotation of danger which symbolises that he can be a dangerous figure with power and authority. The symbolism of power also suggests why the rock artist is presented with a large image of him and the way the colour black is used to stand out on the artist himself and the background of the text on the front cover. The colours red and yellow also makes the front page stand out more which makes it eye-catching and more attracting for the audience to look at.

The band name 'Black Veil Brides' which is also the title of the magazine, comes across as depressing to the audience. The word bride has the connotation of being happy and joyful and is associated with weddings and love, however the use of the black veil portrays a different meaning in the word. Therefore this would be appealing to the target demographic of this magazine. The rock artist also has a direct contact on the cover and the expression on his face connotates that he doesn't care and shows attitude towards the audience. Again this would appeal to the target demographic of the magazine and therefore would mean that readers are likely to take more of an interest into the magazine itself. 


  1. Excellent content with a good clear understanding of the theories. You have used a couple of images to support your work which is good. What you need to consider though is how to avoid really long blocks of text. This is fine but I would suggest going through with the highlighter tool to identify the key pieces of text.

  2. Your blog as a whole is great, you need to make sure though that you complete at least one blog post a week, even if it is not set by either myself or Mr McCann. You need to make sure that you are looking at reflections on what has gone on in lessons along with anything you have thought would be good research. It is the 10th October and you haven't done a blog post since September so you need to make sure that you are regularly updating to make sure you can access the full range of marks.
