Now that I have analysed my Q magazine that I had purchased, I have now decided to look at a range of other examples of different music magazine pages. This again includes looking at a different front page, contents page and double page spread. It is important that I still look at pages that are specific to my chosen genre of Indie Rock because by looking at a range of music magazine pages that are specific to this music genre I will be able to get a better insight and understanding as to how my music magazine should be presented to the target demographic. I will be able to make my magazine seem more appealing to the reader and doing this will also help towards my journey into creating a successful music magazine. To annotate other music magazine pages I have used the software of Prezi. Within each page analysis I have discussed the features, images and text displayed on the page and why I think they have been successful.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Top 5 Christmas Singles
As another independent blog post, I have decided to create a Prezi based on the top 5 most favourite Christmas singles as we are drawing near to Christmas. Enjoy watching and merry Christmas :) ***
Monday, 23 December 2013
Sunday, 22 December 2013
Q Magazine - Double Page Spread Analysis
This is my third Vlog that I have produced for annotating my Q music magazine double page spread. Very similar to my previous posts, in this video I am going to discuss the particular images used and why the images have been presented in this particular way. I will also say how the layout is presented to the reader and what the headlines and images reveal about the article.
Saturday, 21 December 2013
Q Magazine - Contents Page Analysis
Today I have decided to make another video analysing the contents page of my Q magazine. In this video I will stating the particular images used and why they have been used, how is the layout of the contents page is presented to the reader and I will be also be talking about the specific style of the magazine.
Friday, 20 December 2013
Q Magazine - Front Cover Analysis
For my front page, contents page and double page spread analysis I have decided to make a Vlog post for each of my annotations. In each video you will find out what the purpose is of each page, how is the magazine helps to promote itself and how the magazine helps to promote certain artists and features. Below is my front page annotation of the Q magazine I selected for my chosen genre.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Music Magazine - Construction Research
In order for me to fully understand the concept of what the certain pages of my music magazine should look like, I have been told that I must create certain blog posts analysing a realistic magazine that I must construct for my chosen genre. This includes having a front page cover, contents page and a double page spread. I have decided to annotate a Q magazine which is specific to my chosen genre of indie rock. This again includes the annotation of the front page, the contents page and the double page spread. In addition to this I will also be looking at other examples of what other students have created in the past for their music magazine pages and saying whether I think that they have been successful or unsuccessful within their magazine construction. I believe that doing this will help me strive towards my journey into creating a successful music magazine. Beneath are the images from the Q music magazine pages I have chosen to annotate for further blog posts.
Friday, 13 December 2013
The UKs Top Selling Singles of 2013 so far (5- 1)
It is the grand finale of 2013 UKs top selling singles. Here are the top 5 selling singles of this year so far. Enjoy the last showing countdown to the UKs number 1 top selling single.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Additional Front Cover Music Magazine Analysis
Today in one of my media lessons, we were set a task to analyse another music magazine front cover using the software of vokie. I have used vokie once before within previous blog posts. I have decided to do this task because it will help me within my "Journey" as I am able to express and display my creativity further. Below click the play button on my vokie to show the analysis of this NME front cover Music Magazine using the media terminology I know.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Voki is another online software that I have become aware of. Similar to Prezi it is another software that allows you to present your ideas in a creative, exciting and innovative way. Below is a video that shows a quick tutorial on how to use Voki. Again I have used Voki once before and I will continue to use Voki in future blog posts as I will be able to present my presentations more exhilaratingly in order for viewers to have a better experience.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Today I have decided to make a Prezi focusing on the topic of ideology. Ideology plays a major role in the media and the way how people are represented to society. Ideology can impact on the way people behave in todays society due to different types of media text presented to the public. This Prezi explains how ideology can have this impact on people and society.
Friday, 6 December 2013
College Magazine - Contents Page Analysis
After looking and analysing different contents pages of music magazines, I have now completed my college magazine contents page. To analyse my contents page I have decided to use the software of Voki to analyse my contents page. Within my Voki I have stated why I have used certain features in order to make my page interesting and attractive for the reader to look at.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Contents Page Construction
During todays media lesson, I decided to begin and construct my own contents page mock up for my college magazine using the Photoshop element. To help me do this I have used and looked at a range of other contents page that are related to Music Magazines. By looking at a range of content pages, I will have a better insight and better understanding of how a contents page should appear to the reader, and I will know how to make my magazine more appealing to my chosen target demographic when it comes to constructing my music magazine.
Below are 2 contents pages (related to music magazines) that I have looked at to help me to begin my construction of my college magazine contents page. From what I can see in terms of graphological features, they are presented differently to the reader. For example the NME contents page is presented with more text with different styles and fonts on the page while the mojo magazine is presented with less text and a variety of different images are used on the page. I know from looking at these 2 pages I will able to be more creative and innovative within constructing my music magazine contents page.
Below are 2 contents pages (related to music magazines) that I have looked at to help me to begin my construction of my college magazine contents page. From what I can see in terms of graphological features, they are presented differently to the reader. For example the NME contents page is presented with more text with different styles and fonts on the page while the mojo magazine is presented with less text and a variety of different images are used on the page. I know from looking at these 2 pages I will able to be more creative and innovative within constructing my music magazine contents page.
Monday, 2 December 2013
UKs top 20 best selling singles of 2013 (10 - 6)
This weeks top UKs best selling singles of 2013. Enjoy watching
Thursday, 28 November 2013
College Magazine - Front Page Analysis
As part of one of my blog post I was told that I must create a front cover mock up of a college magazine. For this task I choose to base my front cover on my sixth form college, helping to promote my college for students who are willing to apply in the future. Beneath I have created a prezi showing my final front cover college magazine after using the element of Photoshop to help me create this. I have explained why and how I have used certain features that help to promote my front cover college magazine to the reader. Take a few minutes to watch my presentation.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
College Magazine - Images/Camera Angles
In my media lesson I was told that I must create a front cover college magazine and an additional contents page using the element of Photoshop to help me in my construction. Today I decided to take a few images of my sixth form college and some of the students that I may use on my college magazine front cover and contents page. Below I have included a few images and I have also used certain camera angles as well in my images.
I am planning to use this image for my front cover page. This is a medium shot which shows students working in my sixth form college. This will also be my main image on my front page.
Here is another image that shows a student working at a computer desk. This image is also another medium shot.
This image that I had taken shows a view of what facilities the college has to offer to students in the study area. It shows a specific area and therefore this is an establishing shot.
Here is another image that shows a student working at a computer desk. This image is also another medium shot.
This image that I had taken shows a view of what facilities the college has to offer to students in the study area. It shows a specific area and therefore this is an establishing shot.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
UKs Top 20 Best Selling Singles of 2013 (15 - 11)
Here is this weeks top 20 countdown of the best selling singles in the UK. Please enjoy watching :D
Friday, 22 November 2013
UKs Top 20 Best Selling Singles of 2013 (20 - 16)
As an independent blog post, each week I have decided that I am going to show the UKs top 20 and most favourite singles of 2013. I am going to create a Prezi every week showing a countdown of this years most top selling singles throughout the UK. I have decided to do this because I believe that looking at most popular singles in the charts will help me to include particular and most popular artists(if necessary)within my music magazine. If they are well known then it is likely that I will attract a wider audience to my music magazine. This will therefore help me towards my journey into creating a successful music magazine. I may also include blog posts similar to this in the future in order to keep me updated with the latest/new/upcoming singles. Enjoy this weeks top selling singles :D ....
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Within one of my media lesson this week, we were given a task to Photoshop a picture of Susan Boyle and 50 Cent and merge the 2 famous artist into 1. I have used Photoshop before in the past and I found constructing this task quite difficult however I managed to produce my own creation of an album cover. Here is what my final constructed piece approved off.
Referring back to my previous blog, the use of Photoshop can have positive and negative aspects on the people in the image and the viewers. In this case we can see that there are 2 completely different artist that associate themselves within different genres within the music industry. If this image was used on a front cover of a music magazine, it will connote positive as well as negative influences on the artists.
The positive outcomes in this case being that the image....
- Helps to promote the artist of 50 cent and Susan Boyle to the reader
- Makes the main image and the cover of the magazine stand out and more attractive for the reader to look at
- Helps to entice the reader to buy the magazine in order to improve circulation figures
However the negative outcomes in this case is that the image....
- Could portray a negative influence on both artists from the readers perspective because they are associating themselves within a mixture of music genres rather than their chosen music genre
- May result in a loss of fans and admirers to the artist because they are striving themselves away from their specific music genre
Referring back to my previous blog, the use of Photoshop can have positive and negative aspects on the people in the image and the viewers. In this case we can see that there are 2 completely different artist that associate themselves within different genres within the music industry. If this image was used on a front cover of a music magazine, it will connote positive as well as negative influences on the artists.
The positive outcomes in this case being that the image....
- Helps to promote the artist of 50 cent and Susan Boyle to the reader
- Makes the main image and the cover of the magazine stand out and more attractive for the reader to look at
- Helps to entice the reader to buy the magazine in order to improve circulation figures
However the negative outcomes in this case is that the image....
- Could portray a negative influence on both artists from the readers perspective because they are associating themselves within a mixture of music genres rather than their chosen music genre
- May result in a loss of fans and admirers to the artist because they are striving themselves away from their specific music genre
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Photoshop - Positive and Negative Aspects
I have decided to create a short presentation using prezi based on Photoshop. In my presentation I have discussed how Photoshop can have both positive and negative impacts on the people presented on the front cover of a magazine and how it can also positively and negatively impact the reader. Again, please take a few moments to go through my presentation, to show how I have come to terms with these aspects.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Photoshop Practice
In todays media lesson, I decided to use photoshop an image of one of my Favourite bands 'Mumford and Sons'. This is to show the simple and basic outline on how photoshop is used on images. I have used simple and basic tools to show how I have done this. Below I have shown the before and after image of my editing using my photoshop skills.
I have also included a video to show and outline how basic tools are used in photoshop to edit certain images, just like what I have done.
I have also included a video to show and outline how basic tools are used in photoshop to edit certain images, just like what I have done.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Photoshop Element
The Photoshop element is the leading digital image editing application for internet, print and other new media disciplines. It is very likely that most images seen on posters, book covers, magazine pictures and brochures has either been created or edited by Photoshop. To do this Photoshop has certain features and tools to help modify, move, duplicate, resize and perform adjustments to photographs in order to enhance and edit the quality of the image.
In order for me to create my music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread, I need to be aware of this computer program as it will help me do this. In addition to this, I will need to further my development skills with using Photoshop by knowing how to use basic features. For example I will needs to know how to edit images by taking out the background when I just want the image of a persons body.
Below I have included a short video on what Photoshop is all about and how it is used today. By watching this video we can get a better understanding how and why Photoshop is used.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Annotating Different Music Magazine Genres
Compared to my previous blog post, I have designed a short presentation on annotating another selection of two different magazine genres from viewing the front covers. When it comes to annotating different magazine front pages, we as an audience will have different impressions and opinions on the people presented to the readers.
Please take a moment to watch my short presentation below to show how I have come to these terms.
Please take a moment to watch my short presentation below to show how I have come to these terms.
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Final Anaysis of NME and Kerrang Front Covers - Similarities and Differences
After annotating both of the NME and Kerrang Music Magazine front covers, I can clearly identify different features on a front cover magazine. I now have a better understanding as to what features I must include when it comes to creating my own front cover magazine page. In order to make my magazine more appealing to the demographic I will include the features such as a masthead, headline, banner etc. This is so my magazine will look more professional to my audience. From comparing and contrasting both of these magazine front pages I can identify similarities and differences between the pages.
The similarities of these page are that both of these front pages display a Masthead, which is the title of the magazine. It is important that all magazines have a Masthead because the reader can recognise what magazine they are buying and know what genre the magazine is. The pages also have other features that are included on most magazine covers, for example there is a headline to show the main story within the magazines and a bar code to show the price and the overall quality of the magazine. Pugs and Puffs are used on the front page to show the additional content that the reader can find within the magazine and particular buzz words are used to help promote the additional features within the magazine. A main image of the music bands has also been presented on both of the front covers which shows that they are the main focus of the magazine. The image of them appear larger than any other features on the page and takes up most of the page to show that they are the dominant feature within the magazine and throughout.
The differences between both of the front pages are that both magazines are associated with different genres which suggests that the magazines will come across differently to the audience. Both magazine have the same type of house-styles but have different bands that are associated to a particular genre. The NME magazine has a red, white and black house- style and displays the band Mumford and Sons which suggests that the magazine is associated around indie rock as the band displayed are an indie rock band. The Kerrang front cover magazine has the same coloured house-style as the NME magazine however the cover uses more of the black colour in the background of the page. The dark and black coloured background will give the reader the connotation that the magazine is associated around the genre of heavy metal or rock. In addition to this, the red and bold font used on the page also connotes with the chosen genre of the magazine. The band displayed on the front cover of the Kerrang magazine is presented in front of the Masthead and they are appeared with blood running down their faces which connotes that they come along as an aggressive and threatening figure to the audience. This suggests that they are more important than the Masthead itself and are going to be the most dominant feature within the whole of the magazine.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Music Magazine Analysis - Kerrang Front Cover
I am going to annotate another Front cover Music Magazine, however I have decided to pick a different genre compared to my other previous analysis of NME. I have decided to annotate a Kerrang front cover magazine. Similar to my other post on the analysis of a front cover magazine, below I have included a full analysis of this chosen magazine on a word document.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Analysing a College Magazine
From analysing one of my previous school college magazine, there are certain features that can be identified which help to promote this cover to its audience. By analysing this college magazine i will be able to get a better insight as to what my college magazine should include.
A feature that stand out to me is the tile of the school at the top of the page 'The Cardinal bulletin'. It has the effect of snow on the letters and the house style of the page is red and white. From looking at these semiotics, these features revealed to the reader gives us the connotation that this college magazine has a link to a relevant topic of christmas. The semeiotics also tells the reader that the school is a catholic and religious school.
The text on the left side of the page states that its the 'Heads Message'. This tells us that the headmaster of the school take a very active role within the schools curricular activities. The images of the students of the page also portrays and conveys how the students take pride and enrich themselves into the extra curricular activities within the school.
If I was to present this college magazine cover to an audience i would consider putting less amount of text on the page and put one main image on the page. I would also consider putting a larger and more eye-cathing headline on my page. This will help make the page more appealing and more professional to the readers to look at and will make it more eye-catching for the readers.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Music Magazine Analysis - NME Front Cover
In order for me to create a successful college magazine I must be able to identify certain features within a magazine, using the terminology I know. Beneath I have produced a short presentation using Prezi, which includes a full analysis of a front page music magazine. This is so I have a full understanding of what I must include on my front page cover of a music magazine, to make it stand out and more appealing to my audience.
Please take a few moments to watch my short presentation :)
Please take a few moments to watch my short presentation :)
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
In order to produce creative and innovative blog posts I have now become aware of the software named Prezi. Prezi is an online presentation and storytelling software that allows you to present ideas on a virtual canvas. Below is a video explaining what is Prezi, why people use Prezi and why it is a creative way of presenting ideas and other presentations.
As a result of this I am going to use Prezi in future blog post to display my creatively within presentations.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Magazine Terminology
As part of producing my college magazine, I will need to have the ability to analyse different features of a magazine, using the media terminology given. There are many different features that can be identified on all pages of a magazine including the front page, contents page and double page spread. These features help to promote the magazine itself by making itself stand out more and more attractive for the target demographic to look at. In addition to this, it will help bring more attention from the audience perspective so they are more likely to buy the magazine.
Banner - a colourful banner across the page with text that helps promote an exclusive feature in the magazine
Beneath I have made a glossary sheet on the different media concepts that can be identified in a magazine as a whole. The terminology includes....
Masthead - the name given to a magazine
Headline - the title of the main story within the magazine
House Style - the main colour scheme of the magazine throughout
Main Image - the image of a person/people/object directly associated with the main feature or article within the magazine. Presented in the centre of the front cover page.
Sell Line - the introductory headline below the masterhead, describing the magazine
Pug - "the ear of the magazine" located at the top left or right hand of the front page magazine. A promotion or a freebie is put there to catch the readers attention.
Buzzwords - words and phrases such as "exclusive" and "win" that are used to catch and draw the readers attention. Helps promote a feature in the magazine.
Barcode - a code and convention that is on every front cover of a magazine and tells us the price and the overall quality of the magazine
Puff - is a graphic feature placed on the front cover of a magazine to make something stand out. Usually presented by putting text around a shape.
Anchorage text - is text that provides the link between an image and it's context
Caption - is text describing an image ( anchorage )
Drop Capital - is the first letter of an article that is presented big and bold. It's purpose is to draw the reader to the beginning of the article.
Cover Line - blurbs advertising the other topics featured inside the magazine
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Preliminary Task
As part of my coursework I have been told that I must produce a college magazine front cover. Along with this, I must include an example and analysis of a front page, a contents page and a double page spread of a college magazine in my blog post. This will help me with my planning and researching. I will be able to have a better and clearer understanding as to what features I must include on my page, to make my front cover stand out and more attractive for my audience to look at.
Already I have found out that on my front page design I must have a medium shot image of someone to be presented on the magazine. This is to make sure that my front page magazine looks professional. In addition to this, I am tasked to do a mock up of a contents page as well. In order to do this, I will use the Photoshop program to help me design my product.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Applying the Male Gaze to Scenes
The male gaze is a concept that is used in todays society and world. It can be applied to all types of different media, whenever that is on a magazines cover, advertisements or certain scenes in films. In this video clip taken from a single episode from Hollyoaks , shows how Rachel Shenton, who plays as a character in Hollyoaks is represented to the audience in different scenes. This clip shows how her character applies the male gaze theory to the representation of her character.
At the begging of the scene Rachel Shenton is seen wearing a short pink skirt, high heels and a handbag walking down the road portraying a sexy and attractive image of herself. The camera movements and editing help portray this image. For example a close up is used on her face in the first edit to show her appearance and a camera tilt looking up from the ground is used to represent her body image. Slow motion editing has been used to help portray her provocative side and the use of high key lightening has been used on her character to connotate that she is the dominant figure to look upon. This follows on to why her character helps answer why the male gaze is being applied in the video clip.
At the begging of the scene Rachel Shenton is seen wearing a short pink skirt, high heels and a handbag walking down the road portraying a sexy and attractive image of herself. The camera movements and editing help portray this image. For example a close up is used on her face in the first edit to show her appearance and a camera tilt looking up from the ground is used to represent her body image. Slow motion editing has been used to help portray her provocative side and the use of high key lightening has been used on her character to connotate that she is the dominant figure to look upon. This follows on to why her character helps answer why the male gaze is being applied in the video clip.
When Rachel walks into the bar, she is looked upon suddenly by other characters. Within the scene the two male characters are constantly staring at her and this follows on to another scene of the episode to were she allows a picture with the two males kissing her. This makes her figure more notified and objectifying to the other characters and the audience watching.
Saturday, 12 October 2013
What is Feminism ?
Feminism is the belief that men and woman are and have been treated differently by our society and that woman have been frequently been unable to participate fully in social arenas and institutions.

The History and Origins of Feminism
Historically feminism has evolved between the sexes to a deeper focus on the social and performative construction of gender and sexuality. Woman had traditionally been regarded as inferior to men physically and intellectually. In past events woman could not possess property in their own names, engage in business or control the disposal of their children or even their own persons. However over time woman have evolved to have more freedom and have equal rights as men do.
During the 1920s woman in the United States were divided on the question of equal standing with men, which was advocated by the National Woman's Party. This included limiting the number of hours woman could work per week and excluding woman from certain high - risk occupations. Then in 1946 the UN commission on the status of woman was established to secure equal political rights, economic rights and educational opportunities for woman throughout the world. Now the national woman's party and other woman groups pressed for such changes such as abortion rights, equal pay for woman, the occupational upgrading for woman, the removal of all legal and social barriers to education and economic power for woman.
Famous Feminists and their Beliefs
Florence Nightingale was a famous feminist. She was born in a wealthy family, with parents who expected her to do all the things young ladies of her class did such as taking occasional rides in carriages and attend party's and dinners. However she wanted a higher calling in life. Florence wanted to work and use her intellect, skills and moral passion to make a difference in the world. She decided to become a nurse and help others who were in need. Her decision to do this inspired others to do the same.
There are many famous feminists today including well known singers such as Madonna and other famous celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Hilary Clinton. All of these feminists have different views on the way woman are portrayed in todays world and society.
Laura Mulvey Theory (1975)
Laura Mulvey applied the term 'Male Gaze' to her theory in 1975. The concept of gaze is one that deals with how an audience views the people presented in a particular scene or image. In feminism the male gaze can be thought of in 3 different ways. These ways can apply how men look at woman, how woman look at themselves and how woman look at other woman. Laura Mulvey believes that in film, audiences have to view characters from a perspective of a heterosexual male. As audiences watch films without being watched by the characters, they become onlookers of their lives. Therefore in some cases they become voyeurs of the people on the screen. This involves turning the representation of the figure into a fetish.
Here is a video clip from a music video to show as an example on how the Laura Mulvey Theory is applied to scenes.
From analysing this music video the woman presented is seen as a young and attractive figure to look upon. The name of the song 'She's so lovely' also implies how she is presented throughout . At the beginning of the music video she is enhanced and notified by other people as they follow her with their eyes. The singer of the video is seen the dominant gazer upon her as he glares at her the most and refers to her appearance in the lyrics, which makes her character more objectifying to the audience.
However there is some criticism over this theory. For example some woman enjoy being 'looked' at for beauty purposes and the gaze can also be directed towards members of the same gender for several reasons, such as in comparison of body image or in clothing.
Representation of Woman in Music Magazines
However from looking at this NME Music Magazine front cover, the male audience will have a different perspective as to what is being viewed compared to the rolling stones cover. Beth Ditto shows how woman do not have to be conventionally attractive to be presented on the front page magazine covers. In comparison to the rolling stone magazine, NME has stuck to its roots of music and has not taken away its purpose like the rolling stones. NME has not tried to win male buyers by objectifying woman. Therefore feminists would support this.
Feminism is the belief that men and woman are and have been treated differently by our society and that woman have been frequently been unable to participate fully in social arenas and institutions.
The History and Origins of Feminism
Historically feminism has evolved between the sexes to a deeper focus on the social and performative construction of gender and sexuality. Woman had traditionally been regarded as inferior to men physically and intellectually. In past events woman could not possess property in their own names, engage in business or control the disposal of their children or even their own persons. However over time woman have evolved to have more freedom and have equal rights as men do.
During the 1920s woman in the United States were divided on the question of equal standing with men, which was advocated by the National Woman's Party. This included limiting the number of hours woman could work per week and excluding woman from certain high - risk occupations. Then in 1946 the UN commission on the status of woman was established to secure equal political rights, economic rights and educational opportunities for woman throughout the world. Now the national woman's party and other woman groups pressed for such changes such as abortion rights, equal pay for woman, the occupational upgrading for woman, the removal of all legal and social barriers to education and economic power for woman.
Famous Feminists and their Beliefs

There are many famous feminists today including well known singers such as Madonna and other famous celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Hilary Clinton. All of these feminists have different views on the way woman are portrayed in todays world and society.
Laura Mulvey Theory (1975)
Laura Mulvey applied the term 'Male Gaze' to her theory in 1975. The concept of gaze is one that deals with how an audience views the people presented in a particular scene or image. In feminism the male gaze can be thought of in 3 different ways. These ways can apply how men look at woman, how woman look at themselves and how woman look at other woman. Laura Mulvey believes that in film, audiences have to view characters from a perspective of a heterosexual male. As audiences watch films without being watched by the characters, they become onlookers of their lives. Therefore in some cases they become voyeurs of the people on the screen. This involves turning the representation of the figure into a fetish.
Here is a video clip from a music video to show as an example on how the Laura Mulvey Theory is applied to scenes.
From analysing this music video the woman presented is seen as a young and attractive figure to look upon. The name of the song 'She's so lovely' also implies how she is presented throughout . At the beginning of the music video she is enhanced and notified by other people as they follow her with their eyes. The singer of the video is seen the dominant gazer upon her as he glares at her the most and refers to her appearance in the lyrics, which makes her character more objectifying to the audience.
However there is some criticism over this theory. For example some woman enjoy being 'looked' at for beauty purposes and the gaze can also be directed towards members of the same gender for several reasons, such as in comparison of body image or in clothing.
Representation of Woman in Music Magazines
Aniston is presented on this magazine front cover of the rolling stones and would
be objectified as being very pretty and attractive to look at. She has been
presented in this way ,in order to catch the ‘male gaze’ and encourage men to buy the
magazine. Therefore this supports the Laura Mulvey theory. Jennifer Aniston
seen on the cover has nothing to do or relate with music. This shows how the
rolling stones have lost their main purpose of the magazine by trying to relate
to men more.
However from looking at this NME Music Magazine front cover, the male audience will have a different perspective as to what is being viewed compared to the rolling stones cover. Beth Ditto shows how woman do not have to be conventionally attractive to be presented on the front page magazine covers. In comparison to the rolling stone magazine, NME has stuck to its roots of music and has not taken away its purpose like the rolling stones. NME has not tried to win male buyers by objectifying woman. Therefore feminists would support this.
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Semiotic Theory
What is Semiotic Theory ?
Semiotic theory focuses on the social and cultural meaning of signs and codes and conventions. Signs consist of an image, a word, an object or even a certain type of practise. The meaning of signs depends on the relationship between the signifier, the signified and the referent. We all respond to signs in many different ways whenever if that is to agree or disagree on a certain topic or if we just respond to it from our own actions. These signs can be presented in many different forms whenever that is from an image, a word or a video. We identify and respond to these signs by two terms which are Denotation and Connotation.
Denotation is the literal or primary meaning of a word or sign, in contrast to the feeling or ideas that the word or sign suggests. For example a stop sign has the denotation of stopping a vehicle. Even without words we would recognise the meaning from the shape and the colour.
Connotation is the idea or a feeling that a word or a sign portrays for a person in addition to its primary meaning. It sets a tone or an emotional association that a word or sign has. It can be negative and positive but is usually something seen by the population in general. For example the stop sign would have the connotation of risk and danger of an accident if the person decided to ignore the sign because of the red colour background which portrays this meaning.

Analysing this front cover of a Kerrang Music Magazine, the denotation reveals that this Music Magazine has a specific rock artist to focus on who comes along with an attitude and is presented with black clothing and black make-up. The title is 'Black Veil Brides' and the magazine has a specific house style with the colours red, black, white and yellow
With what the denotation reveals to the audience the connotation suggests that Kerrang is a rock punk music magazine which come along as aggressive for their target demographic.
The rock artist who is the founder of the band 'Black Veil
Brides' is placed in the centre of the front page cover Magazine, therefore
shows that he is the dominant figure on the cover and the magazine throughout.
His appearance is revealed through the various ways colours have been
used on the front cover. For example the artist is appeared
wearing black clothing and black make-up and the background colour red has
the connotation of danger which symbolises that he can be a
dangerous figure with power and authority. The symbolism of power
also suggests why the rock artist is presented with a large image of
him and the way the colour black is used to stand out on the
artist himself and the background of the text on the front
cover. The colours red and yellow also makes the front page stand out
more which makes it eye-catching and more attracting for the audience
to look at.
The band name 'Black Veil Brides' which is also the title of
the magazine, comes across as depressing to the audience. The word bride has
the connotation of being happy and joyful and is associated with weddings and
love, however the use of the black veil portrays a different meaning in
the word. Therefore this would be appealing to the target demographic of
this magazine. The rock artist also has a direct contact on the cover and the
expression on his face connotates that he doesn't care and shows
attitude towards the audience. Again this would appeal to the target
demographic of the magazine and therefore would mean that readers are likely to
take more of an interest into the magazine itself.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Media Representation
In this blog post I have decided to include a short video that is on the subject of media representation. The video reveals how certain aspects in the media represent different figures and what effect the representation has on the audience through the use of codes and conventions.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Music Magazine Questionaire
As part of my Planning and Research I have decided to create a Music Magazine Questionnaire. By doing this I am able to find out what people want to see in a Music Magazine including what content such as articles, images, artists, cover mounts, upcoming events etc. This will help me when I come to create and construct my own music magazine front page, contents page and double page spread. Please take a moment to complete my Questionnaire below.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Audience Research Methods
In order to have a successful Music Magazine different types of research must be carried out. This is to know what people want to see in a magazine to see what they find most interesting. There are two main types of research. These types of research are Qualitative research and Quantitative research.
Qualitative Research is the research carried out to uncover prevalent trends in thought and opinion. Its aim is to gain an understanding of underlying reasons and motivations which provides insights into the setting of a problem or hypotheses for later quantitative research. Qualitative research can be done through an interview or a focus group.

Different types of data can be collected from the research carried out. There are two types of data. These two types of data are Primary data and Secondary data.
Primary data is data being collected or obtained from a first hand experience. It can be received first hand. This can be done through an interview, when a person collecting the data sits face to face with the respondent.
Secondary data is data referring to data collected in the past or obtained from another party. It can be obtained from past surveys and questionnaires.
How can the types of research and data collected help Music Magazines ?
The research carried out and the data collected can help a music magazine as it helps magazines get a firmer background knowledge and a further insight as what people like to see in a magazine. This will help the music industry create more successful music magazines in the future with more interesting and exciting features.
NME would use qualitative research through interviews and focus groups to discover the thoughts and opinions as to what other people think about their magazine. NME can do this by interviewing the public by asking other peoples opinions as to what they see in the magazine itself.
As well as using qualitative research, NME would use quantitative research as well within their finding to find out what makes a successful music magazine. NME would use quantitative research by producing a questioner based on music magazines and handing out that questioner to a population of people. By doing this, NME are able to get a deeper insight as to what people will want to see in their magazine.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Music Magazines
What is a Music Magazine ?

The History of Music Magazines
The very first issue of billboard magazine was printed in 1894, however it did not become well known until 1936. This gradually evolved into radio airplay and recorded sales charts. Over time different genres of music were introduced and it wasn't long until NME ( New Musical Express ) was first issued in 1952. In the 1970s NME became the best selling british music magazine. Now there are a range of different music magazines with particular genres including rock, pop and classical music magazines.
Below is a short part of a documentary called 'Inky Fingers: The NME Story'. This part of the documentary shows a brief summary on how the world longest weekly rock music paper became so popular and how NME created a magazine that reflected and shaped our musical culture.
Below is a short part of a documentary called 'Inky Fingers: The NME Story'. This part of the documentary shows a brief summary on how the world longest weekly rock music paper became so popular and how NME created a magazine that reflected and shaped our musical culture.
There are a variety of different genres that consist with music magazines, such as....
. Rock
. Pop
. R&B
. Hip Hop
. Heavy Metal
. Classical
Popular Music Magazines
Music magazines have been publishing for over a century now. One of the best and well known magazines of all time is NME. Other popular music magazines within the UK include Kerrang, MOJO, Q. Major music magazines in the United States include Vibe, Rolling Stone and Class.
The Future of Music Magazines
Music magazines seem to have very little hold for the future. With new technology being introduced over the years such as computer websites and mobile phone apps, people are able to retrieve the same information for free as they would buying a music magazine and because of this the sales of music magazines are decreasing each year. They do not really have much more of a future unless they start making the items available in a magazine, not available on the internet. However in some cases they do stand a productive future as a magazine and internet product because some people like to have a 'solid' copy and read.
What Audience do the Music Magazines relate to ?
Most Music Magazines dedicate themselves around rock and R&B like NME. From looking at the front cover page of NME a lot of young artists are displayed. This reveals that the target audience are aimed at the younger generation of adults. The front cover reveals a lot about the content of the magazine and what the magazine will be about. By showing more well known younger artists on the front cover, the larger the audience it will attract to the product.
My Post:
The front page magazine cover on the right side of the page reveals an image of my favourite music band 'Mumford and Sons'.
I consider NME to be a magazine to buy. This is because I like a variety of indie rock music and NME dedicates itself around different areas of rock music.
The content of the magazine includes exclusive features such as an interview with the band shown on the front cover 'Mumford and Sons'. Other features include music events such as festivals and music concerts, information featuring the band on the front cover and articles about other artists and music bands.
The target audience for this magazine is aimed at elder teenagers/ young adults because there is a well known band on the cover featuring 'Mumford and Sons' that would attract attention and is specific to the demographic age group.
The Future of Music Magazines
Music magazines seem to have very little hold for the future. With new technology being introduced over the years such as computer websites and mobile phone apps, people are able to retrieve the same information for free as they would buying a music magazine and because of this the sales of music magazines are decreasing each year. They do not really have much more of a future unless they start making the items available in a magazine, not available on the internet. However in some cases they do stand a productive future as a magazine and internet product because some people like to have a 'solid' copy and read.
What Audience do the Music Magazines relate to ?
Most Music Magazines dedicate themselves around rock and R&B like NME. From looking at the front cover page of NME a lot of young artists are displayed. This reveals that the target audience are aimed at the younger generation of adults. The front cover reveals a lot about the content of the magazine and what the magazine will be about. By showing more well known younger artists on the front cover, the larger the audience it will attract to the product.
My Post:

I consider NME to be a magazine to buy. This is because I like a variety of indie rock music and NME dedicates itself around different areas of rock music.
The content of the magazine includes exclusive features such as an interview with the band shown on the front cover 'Mumford and Sons'. Other features include music events such as festivals and music concerts, information featuring the band on the front cover and articles about other artists and music bands.
The target audience for this magazine is aimed at elder teenagers/ young adults because there is a well known band on the cover featuring 'Mumford and Sons' that would attract attention and is specific to the demographic age group.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Introduction to my Blog
Hello and Welcome to my Blog !!!
As part of my AS Media Study A-Level course I will have to keep a blog. In this blog you will find....
- My planning throughout the course
- My evaluation
- My research, planning and evaluation throughout the year
- My finished product
In order to support the research I will provide videos and images to my blogs.
I intend to purchase specific music magazines that focuses on my chosen genre. This is to get a better understanding of the music magazine layout.
About me:
Here is a video that I have included of my favourite band performing :)
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