Thursday, 20 March 2014

Front Page Progression (Final Mock Up)

I am now in the middle of constructing my final version of my music magazine front cover. I have made a lot of progression compared to my second front cover mock up as you can see  below. I have also stated the positive aspects that I have considered in order to make my front cover appealing to the reader as well.

Improvements in comparison to my second draft:
  • Used a variety of different styles and fonts suited to the genre of indie rock
  • More images of certain fictional artists
  • Additional features to promote even more concepts within the magazine and therefore enticing the reader to buy the product. For example the pug feature located at the top right hand corner to win tickets.
  • Mise en Scene - props and costumes that is more suited to my genre of indie i.e. the t shirt on my main artist
  • I have included a coloured background suited to my housestyle to make it more appealing

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Double Page Spread Progression

Through this blog post you will see that I have made a lot of progression throughout the construction stages of my double page spread. I have decided to use one of my images that I had taken to take up the whole of the double page spread and I have included other features as well such as a title, columns to write my article and additional promotional features to promote certain features throughout the magazine itself. Below is the progression I have made so far of my double page spread.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Contents Page Progression

Throughout my construction, I have started to develop a contents page using the software of Photoshop and InDesign to help me. I have worked very hard trying to produce a product that is suited to the genre of my music magazine. In order to do this I have looked at a variety of different pages to make my contents page look appealing and professional to look at. Below is my progression that I have made so far within the development of my contents page. I will shortly begin constructing my double page spread.